Snehdeep Osho Vision

 All Laotse's contemplation, Laotse's entire philosophy stands on the negative, stands on the negative;  Stands at zero.  And therefore

 Lao Tzu has said, "Female mystery ten do we name";  We call it the feminine secret. '

 It is important to understand this.  And it will have to go a little deeper.  Because it is the basic foundation of Lao Tzu's system.  Feminine Mystery, Female

 What's the secret of?  That is the secret of the valley.  And what is a woman's secret is the mystery of darkness.  And the woman's secret, she

 Too deep into existence.

 Therefore, the oldest religions of the world did not consider God as a man, but as a woman.  And their understanding

 God was deeper than people who considered him as Father or Father.  But the influence of Purush was huge and then we started to place Purush in place of God.  But God the Father is very new in place of God, God the Mother is very old.

 The truth is, father is new, mother is old.  It was not more than five or six thousand years since his father was born.  Older than father is Kaka or uncle or uncle.  The word Uncle is also old, from Father, from Father.  In animals, in the birds the father is not known, but the mother is sure.  Therefore, the institution of the father is the man's devise.  Not too old.  Is not more than five thousand years old.  But when we made the father in man, we hurried to remove the woman from the throne for the sake of God very soon.  And then the religions that replaced the Father in place of the divine lost the Fermin Mystery formula from their hands;  The secret of the feminine is lost.

 And Lao Tzu is referring to the time when God the Father had no idea in the world.  And in this very sense

 It is like thinking.  It has to be seen from many sides, only then can you get it.

 "Osho Tao Upanishad"

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