Snehdeep Osho Vision

You are throwing your breath out and taking oxygen and carbon dioxide out for the entire twenty four hours.  Trees are extracting oxygen by drinking all the carbon dioxide.  If the trees on the earth are reduced, then you will remove carbon dioxide, oxygen will decrease every day.  One day you will find, life has become quiet, because the trees which give oxygen are cut down.
 Laotse didn't even know about oxygen.  Laotse did not even know what the trees were doing.  Still he says that
 Things are all connected, you are not alone.  And even if you manipulated, then you will also be manipulated.  An integrated presence
 Is, there is a united existence.  There is also infinity in it.  Death is also involved in that.  There is also disease involved in that.  It is all combined.
 Lao Tzu says that if there is a notion of cooperation among all of them - not of victory, of being together, of being together - then in life A music is born.  The same music is Tao, the same music is religion, it is the same music, it is tradition.
Osho Tao Upnishad

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