Snehdeep Osho Vision

Lao Tzu used to say, if you fall into surrender, then there is not even a trace of worry in your life.  Devoted mind
 How to worry?  What worries the person who did not enmity with Prakrit?  What is the fear of losing someone who is not going to fight?  His victory is sure.  Defeat is his victory.  Lao Tzu is saying all these sources for surrendering.
 * Lao Tzu says, all order is tied.  If young comes here, it is important to go to childhood.  Here comes old age, then of youth
 It is necessary to go.  And it's all combined.  We also share in it.  And we say, we like it so much, it survives,
 May the youth be saved.
Osho Tao Upnishad

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