Snehdeep Osho Vision

 Lao Tzu says that this secret of feminine mind - this non-haste, no apathy, no sense of time - these are very helpful steps towards the truth.  Keep in mind that whenever I am talking about the feminine mind, I am talking about the feminine mind and not the woman.  A man can be feminine.  Just like a man like Buddha has feminine mind;  There is no sense of time.

When Buddha died, it had been forty years since he attained enlightenment.  Somebody has told them on the day of their death that your blessing was unfortunate, your compassion was immense!  You did not have any need to live after having knowledge.  You could be extinguished like a lamp In, Nirvana could be available.  Please live forty years on us!  Buddha said, forty years?  Anand said to the monk sitting nearby, has this much time elapsed?  There is no sense of time.  forty years ?  Buddha said, has this time passed I have knowledge?  There is no calculation.

 "Osho Tao Upanishad"

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