Snehdeep Osho Vision

Work, anger, greed, fascination, ego!  From the words it appears, it seems as if many diseases are around the man. This is not the truth.  It is important to take one thing in mind that man has only one energy, one energy.  We can use it for twenty five. And if we become distorted then it can flow in a thousand streams.  And if you tried to fight with each stream You will go mad, because you will also fight one by one and you will never compete with the original. It is important to understand that the basic energy is possessed by a man.  And if any conversion, any transformation If it is to be done, then it is necessary to have a direct contact with the original energy.  Do not mess with his expressions.  The easiest way is to Start with the most powerful of these four inside.  If you feel anger is most powerful within you, So he became your chief characteristic.
Osho Tao Upnishad

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