Snehdeep Osho Vision

One who takes complete life becomes free.  And he who wants to be free does not know completely.  Whatever it is, take this into consideration.  The one who wants to be liberated first concluded that is bad.  Now there is no question of going through the process.  Free
 There is only one process of being, full realization.  And he says that I understand that it is bad.  Then he does not go through the process of complete realization.  So you go through the process, realize it fully.  Avoid the lending conclusions of others.  Whether you say Buddha, say Mahabir - anyone says - I say, it doesn't matter whether it is bad or good.  You do not conclude.  You enter without any assumption, unbiased, unproduced, without conclusion.  See what else?  What is anger?  Know what anger is with anger;  Do not impose pre-conception on him.  And the day you will know anger in its perfect nakedness, in its perfect radiance, in its perfect fire, and in poison, the same day you will find, you are suddenly out, there is no anger at all.
 Osho Tao Upanishad

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