Snehdeep Osho Vision

Keep in mind, there are many subtle differences.  Jesus would say that one who slaps one cheek on your cheek, the other cheeks in front of him give.  Laotse would say, don't do this.  Jesus will say, Jesus will say that whoever slaps one on your cheek, turn the other cheek in front of him.  But Lao Tzu would say, if you did another in front of him, then you decided, you decided.  And you have reacted, and you reacted too.  Suppose you did not abuse, but you slapped; You did the other cheek in front! Jesus says, love your enemies too.  Laotse would say, no, don't do this.  Because even if you showed love, so much Suppose he is an enemy.  Lao Tzu's talk is very different.  Lao Tzu would say, to love the enemy, then he accepted the enemy.  Again What have you done, abused, hated, or loved the enemy, these are other things. But one thing has been decided that he is an enemy.
 Osho: Tao Upanishad

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