Snehdeep Osho Vision

If someone wants to be simple, try, as the monks try to be simple, and therefore try to be as simple as the monk
 They become more complex and complex.  If someone tries to be simple, it will be complicated.  Yes it may be that
 To be simple, he saves two clothes, saves the loincloth, once he starts eating, starts sleeping under the chandeliers, it can happen, but
 Still there will be no simplicity.  Sleeping under the tree is so much purpose and so planned, the gold below the tree is so orderly and It is through discipline, sleeping under the tree is so practiced that the mind behind this practice will become complicated, it should be difficult Will go. The meaning of simplicity is that within the palace also, the person should fall asleep as if under the tree.
Osho Tao Upnishad

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